Sorry about that.
I apologize for not posting the last few days. The rogue one was done but it didn't post correctly for some reason so it came out today instead. I fell behind on the shammy one but I should have it done for today so i will double post today to catch up. Taking ideas for my next topic which will start after I finish up with this section.
I also apologize for the ad a few days ago. My mom posted it up as a way to keep posts coming even if I missed a day. Although it wasn't technically gold spam and it doesn't go against the EULA I do know how people don't like that stuff that much. Still, it is a way for me to get more readers through reverse links from the ad's website.
However, I will make sure to keep that stuff off the site as much as possible. If I find interesting things like the authenticator I will post up on them, but not iffy things like leveling guides and the like.
Now, back to the regularly scheduled posts.
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