Tuesday, November 4, 2008


4 days has gone by since my last post.  I have had a lot to post about, but I've had this stupid cold.  Of course, it would make sense that since I am in bed half the time I should be posting up a storm, but no I was sleeping instead.

Today is election day in the US, but I really don't have much to say about it.  I am personally not going to vote.  My state is one of those non-battleground states in which Democrats have like a 90% chance to win so whether I wanted to vote Democrat or Republican it really doesn't matter because my vote won't really matter.  If you do reside in one of those actual battleground states then I urge you to vote, otherwise be like me and stay at home and play World of Warcraft.

Ok back to less boring topics.  Over the course of non-posting these last few days I hit 1,000 website visits! WOOHOO. Not only that I actually gained blog followers.  I figured that since I hadn't talked in a few days that everyone would just up and vanish.  So thank you to those who stuck by me and kept visiting the website and etc..

Hmm this post has become one long ramble of nothing (WoW related).. I think I'll just end it here and start a new one that has more of a point instead.  Stay tuned for my next post!

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