WoW Consumables #2: Fewd
Food is one of the more known about consumables for raids but is also fairly overlooked because of the fact that is has a shorter duration.
All food is made via the Cooking skill which anyone can take up as it is a secondary profession. Foods that increase your stats will provide you with a Well Fed buff, which looks like a piece of cheese, that lasts 30 minutes. The materials needed to create a majority of the cooking recipes are easy to find and can be done so by either fishing(bleh) or killing creeps(Blizzard official name for monsters, most people call them mobs as creeps are the men playing the overly-sexy female characters).
The most popular raid foods provide the following buffs which stack with every other buff you can get:
(Unless otherwise noted all the following also provide 20 spirit)
+30 Stamina - Spicy Crawdad or Fisherman's Feast (Both fished)
+20 Strength - Roasted Clefthoof(Mob Drop)
+20 Agility - Warp Burger(Mob Drop), Grilled Mudfish(Fished)
+23 Spell Damage - Blackened Basilisk(Mob Drop), Poached Bluefish(Fished), Crunchy Serpent(Mob Drop)
+44 Healing - Golden Fish Sticks(Fished)
+8 Mp5/+20 Stamina(no spirit) - Blackened Sporefish(Fished)
+20 hit rating - Spicy Hot Talbuk(Mob Drop)
+20 Spell Crit - Skullfish Soup(Fished)
+8 All Resists - Broiled Bloodfin(Fished)
Remember, you can only have one food buff on at a time. No food buffs stack with each other and any attempt to each another food will replace your current buff.
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