Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Final Tickbird

I stopped off yesterday with me going through the Dark Portal. Today we'll finish up the trek through these achievements.

- After you've made it through the Dark Portal you find yourself in Hellfire Penninsula. Breathe in the air that you haven't had a wiff of in 5 months and proceed to kill an Adder and a Scorpion.
- Head over to Zangarmarsh for Snake and Frog
- Then to Terokkar Forest for Skunk
- Finally Shattrah City for Ewe (he's in Lower City).
- You're done once again with visiting Outlands, back to Azeroth and Ironforge where you will find 6 Books (All in the Hall of Explorers). This is where you will get your Well Read achievement finished.
- Now fly over to Loch Moda for the Ram.
- Then to Searing Gorge for Lava Crab and Fire Beetle. This is where you complete Pest Control.
- Back to our favorite city, Stormwind so you can take the boat to Borean Tundra.
- Remember those ponds with Gurlocs in them to the East in Borean? Yeah that's where you find the Steam Frog and Borean Frog.
- Venture into the Rhino herds for Borean Marmot.
- Go into the Nexus for Crystal Spider.
- Near the Murlocs for Crab and Tundra Penguin. This is where you finish up the first Squirrel's Achievement.
- Finally, head on up to Nessingwary's Camp in Sholazar Basin for the Sholazar Tickbird and your final achievement. Fitting place to end the /love quests eh?

The last section was indeed short but the first part took so much time that I just wasn't able to make it in time. Hope that you enjoyed this foray into achievements, as unrelated as it may be.

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